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Car Maintenance Checklist: 5 Things You Must Be Mindful Of

Buying the car does not put an end to your tribulations. Yes, maintaining a car also needs your time and a bit of money, of course. In order to prolong the car’s age and enjoy smooth driving (also safe driving), it is pertinent to devote some of your resources towards its fruitful maintenance.

Here is a quick checklist:

1] Unclogging the fuel tank: Without moving into technical jargons, let us just say that the fuel tank has to work furiously in order to pump the fuel out. It is similar to the way a human heart functions. So, with time and use, it suffers depreciation and often gets clogged, thereby burning more fuel than is feasible. By getting the tank unclogged, you not just do justice to your car’s good health but also reduce the fuel consumption.

2] Battery basics: Car’s battery lasts for 3-5 years, depending on the usage. If you have bought a used car, you may have to replace it earlier. Typically, this is an area where you can play a bit. Owing to smarter technological inventions, manufacturers are coming up with batteries that have higher longevity. But it is still important to stick to the specifications as asserted by your vehicle’s manufacturer. Remember that not every kind of battery will suit your car!

3] Replacing the coolant: Coolant is multi-functional, yet it is not infallible. After around a couple of years, it should be ideally replaced because its efficacy will begin to decline sharply. Alternatively, cleansing may also serve the purpose somewhat though it is not the best advice especially if you are in the mood to continue using the car for a few more years.

4] Taking care of tires: Tire is to a car what a leg is to a human. It is indispensable for movement. Bad tires not only cause over-use of fuel but also question the overall safety. There are different techniques to figure out the age and condition of the tire. However, if you are a lay person in this regard, it will be best to get them checked professionally.

5] Keeping an eye on the brake: Some people never ever take a look at the way their brakes work. It is deemed by many that the brakes are inviolable, as if they can undergo no harm, unless they completely fail which is seldom the case with an average person. However, even before the brake completely fails, they give out signs which you must read. Your failure to do so in time can put your life at stake. It is quite surprising that the awareness in association with brakes is less even in elite countries like US. But to make sure that the brakes are working flawlessly and are unlikely to fail at a time when you are speeding down a hilly track, it is inevitable that you get them checked every two years. In case of used cars, it will be wiser to get them checked every year, or even every 6 months if the car is a very old one.

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